I never like rainy day… for me the atmosphere of the gloomy affect me too much and it ruins my mood for the day.
So yesterday was a rainy day… I wasn’t having a good day…
It was started with a cold rainy day, I really don’t want leave my bed. Next thing I know, it was 9:03 already. I was really late to work (supposed to start at 9:00), so I called the office and lied. By the time I got in to the office it was almost 9:40, even I was kinda amazed how fast I get there but still, I was very very late. My day wasn’t really going smoothly. It was a direct deposit day, and I have date line to do all my work but some stuff was not done correctly and some information was missing. Beside that, my mood is still hanging on the dark, I feel grouchy and mellow at the same time. Luckily almost the end of the day my mood was better just like my sky was less cloudy and brighter.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tribute for a friend
So… Gueh n temen2 pada cabut ke Lake Havasu, AZ. We rent a van, cabin and a boat. There were a dozen of us for 2 days and 2 nights!! This trip is actually di organize for Patsy farewell, secara dia bakal balik ke indo for good. Patsy sendiri yang spread the word of wish to spend someday with us in a road trip. Secara there were a dozen of us, the house is never quite, selalu ada ajah yang berkoar. Entah yang berkoar ngecein satu sama laen, ngakak ngga jelas, ngotot alias adu otot tenggorokan, tereak sinis, sampe ngorok (nothing physical, except the fact that Meg2 dicabuli oleh 3 guys and 1 girl…).
But the actual fun was started on the first night. We played kartu tepokan. Bukan sembarang tepokan, because beberapa yang ikut maen udah ngga sober alias liquified. Secara otak pada lemah, gueh ngga that behind in this game. Para pemain semuanya tereak2 sampe serak. Gueh bayangin mereka yang maein setengah sadar… mata udah liat tapi nerves di dalem badannya pada lari2 sempoyongan buat sampein pesen. Dari mata ke otak, otak ke otot, otot ke tangan… That is a long process. So pemenang (dari belakang) di tahbiskan mahkota terhina terbuat dari rami… Congrats to Ronald n Parlin!! Terbukti mereka yang paling ter-liquified…
The next morning (jam 10an), gueh terbangun dengan aroma breakfast yang merayu perut. Scramble egg rasanya nikmat… truss we go to the next destination… Boat rental!! Bukan ke Lake namanya kalo ngga nikmatin olah raga airnya… We rent a big boat yang enough for 12 of us. Laporan cuaca, mendukung. Ngga mendung bahkan silo’. Anget bgt, emang perjalanan kita terasa direstuin bgt deh ma alam. Once we get in to the boat, the real party started. First we jumped in to the middle of the lake… mengerikan… but it was really nice, the water is chill but not as cold as the beaches are… Surprisingly everybody even Patrick jump!! Note: Patrick can’t swim. Then we played “tarik ban pake boat.” Ngga nyangka ternyata maenan yang keliatannya lame abis, actually caused an adrenalin rush juga. Abis gueh naek ban yang ditarik boat dengan kecepatan angin, walhasil pas balik naek boat kaki gueh lemez n gemeter geli2. Serasa nahan kencing tp ngga kesampean, dengkul ngilu2 ngegemesin… Bawaan diri maunya tereak “STOP” tp penasaran keenakan juga… *apa sih?* Pokoknya seru abis!! Ahhh… jadi kepengen lagih… Secara maennya kudu ganti2an jadinya we spent the whole day there. Diselingin sama ambil topi rami gueh yang terbang 3x, ambil nicky yang ambilin topi gueh, poto2 non-stop, truss kaki alex pelitek, Ronald & Nicky ketinggalan perahu…
The fun is not ended, yet! Kali ini we liquefied with nice wine. Akibatnya? muka, badan, kuping, sampe pantat panas. Hasilnya? Megi dinodai saat tidur rame2!! Sori yach Meg, abis loe sasaran empuk bgt… beneran empuk… ngga bohong kok gueh… Empuk!! Truss dinodai pula dengan kentut sayang si Patrick!!
Following day, adalah hari terakhir kita. Basically kudu ngepak n siap2 balik ke reality. Breakfast indah dua butir telor mata sapi disisain buat gueh yang telat bangun. Plus disusul sama mi goreng… perjalanan ini beneran diberkatin makanan n minuman tanpa henti, Indah lah… before we actually left the lake we took pictures at the infamous London Bridge!! Jadi ceritanya bridge yang ada di Laka Havasu itu originally was from London!! Jauh ajeh… mikirnya ajah udah males, kepikir yang mindahinnya? Dude, it wasn’t like u grab the whole bridge, put it in to the boat or plane, then put it back!! Daya khayal kudu lebih realistis bung!! Eniwe, the bridge is there, sit nice and pretty.
Next destination before home is the Ghost Town!! Well the name say it all, it’s preety much no live there… kinda creepy but nice… nothing much going on there, all we did was taking pictures…
The very next day I woke up, I was kinda expecting I still be able to see the clear blue sky, and rock on the boat as the water sings me lullaby… Nope, I woke up in reality, in my room and choko yang garuk2 batok kepala gueh…
The hardest part you have to deal with vacation is realizing it’s over…
But the actual fun was started on the first night. We played kartu tepokan. Bukan sembarang tepokan, because beberapa yang ikut maen udah ngga sober alias liquified. Secara otak pada lemah, gueh ngga that behind in this game. Para pemain semuanya tereak2 sampe serak. Gueh bayangin mereka yang maein setengah sadar… mata udah liat tapi nerves di dalem badannya pada lari2 sempoyongan buat sampein pesen. Dari mata ke otak, otak ke otot, otot ke tangan… That is a long process. So pemenang (dari belakang) di tahbiskan mahkota terhina terbuat dari rami… Congrats to Ronald n Parlin!! Terbukti mereka yang paling ter-liquified…
The next morning (jam 10an), gueh terbangun dengan aroma breakfast yang merayu perut. Scramble egg rasanya nikmat… truss we go to the next destination… Boat rental!! Bukan ke Lake namanya kalo ngga nikmatin olah raga airnya… We rent a big boat yang enough for 12 of us. Laporan cuaca, mendukung. Ngga mendung bahkan silo’. Anget bgt, emang perjalanan kita terasa direstuin bgt deh ma alam. Once we get in to the boat, the real party started. First we jumped in to the middle of the lake… mengerikan… but it was really nice, the water is chill but not as cold as the beaches are… Surprisingly everybody even Patrick jump!! Note: Patrick can’t swim. Then we played “tarik ban pake boat.” Ngga nyangka ternyata maenan yang keliatannya lame abis, actually caused an adrenalin rush juga. Abis gueh naek ban yang ditarik boat dengan kecepatan angin, walhasil pas balik naek boat kaki gueh lemez n gemeter geli2. Serasa nahan kencing tp ngga kesampean, dengkul ngilu2 ngegemesin… Bawaan diri maunya tereak “STOP” tp penasaran keenakan juga… *apa sih?* Pokoknya seru abis!! Ahhh… jadi kepengen lagih… Secara maennya kudu ganti2an jadinya we spent the whole day there. Diselingin sama ambil topi rami gueh yang terbang 3x, ambil nicky yang ambilin topi gueh, poto2 non-stop, truss kaki alex pelitek, Ronald & Nicky ketinggalan perahu…
The fun is not ended, yet! Kali ini we liquefied with nice wine. Akibatnya? muka, badan, kuping, sampe pantat panas. Hasilnya? Megi dinodai saat tidur rame2!! Sori yach Meg, abis loe sasaran empuk bgt… beneran empuk… ngga bohong kok gueh… Empuk!! Truss dinodai pula dengan kentut sayang si Patrick!!
Following day, adalah hari terakhir kita. Basically kudu ngepak n siap2 balik ke reality. Breakfast indah dua butir telor mata sapi disisain buat gueh yang telat bangun. Plus disusul sama mi goreng… perjalanan ini beneran diberkatin makanan n minuman tanpa henti, Indah lah… before we actually left the lake we took pictures at the infamous London Bridge!! Jadi ceritanya bridge yang ada di Laka Havasu itu originally was from London!! Jauh ajeh… mikirnya ajah udah males, kepikir yang mindahinnya? Dude, it wasn’t like u grab the whole bridge, put it in to the boat or plane, then put it back!! Daya khayal kudu lebih realistis bung!! Eniwe, the bridge is there, sit nice and pretty.
Next destination before home is the Ghost Town!! Well the name say it all, it’s preety much no live there… kinda creepy but nice… nothing much going on there, all we did was taking pictures…
The very next day I woke up, I was kinda expecting I still be able to see the clear blue sky, and rock on the boat as the water sings me lullaby… Nope, I woke up in reality, in my room and choko yang garuk2 batok kepala gueh…
The hardest part you have to deal with vacation is realizing it’s over…
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sitting on the Throne
What a coincidence!!
About two days ago, I was posting stuff about power outage in Jakarta, and guess what… I got power outage last night!! I’ve been stranded here at Uncle Sam’s land for 9 years, this is my first power outage longer than 5 minutes. It’s actually scarier that I thought… walo disini ngga ada sundel bolong, suster ngesot serta kawan2nya, tetep ajah gueh jiper gelap2an. Untung ada si pacar yang baru ajah dateng (less than 5 minutes befor the power was out!!) and ada Choco n Chokie yang juga ketakutan nempel sama gueh molo. Dasar anjing2 pengecut!! Well it’s better than ketakutan sendirian…
So, this morning the whole office was debating about keberadaan boss gueh. Some really sure he is in the office, but ngga bisa ngebuktiin sama yang ngga percaya boss gueh udah hadir. From 25 employees, only one person actually smart enough to see to the parking lot to find the boss’ car, which is me. It proven, the boss is in the building. But still, no one able to locate him. We run and dig the holes, just incase kalo emang the boss ngumpet or kejepit disela-sela yang ngga jelas (mudah2an bukan sela2 rok co-worker gueh, apalagih kejepit?? Horor…) Back to the boss, he is still missing. Sekantor mulai panic gara2 banyak yang telp buat the boss, include the BIG boss, bokapnya the boss. And suddenly I heard the hallelujah theme pas salah satu co-worker gueh bilang “I found him! He’s sitting on the throne.” Cash n kontan, spontan, seisi kantor pada ngakak, but not me. OK gueh akuin, I’m lost!! Dengan polos gueh tanya, kenapa si bule pada ngakak. Mereka Cuma bilang “He’s sitting on the throne all this time!!” si bule ngakak semakin gede… n gueh… *krik krik krik* still lost... Truss salah satu bule pengertian sama satu2nya asia dikantor (gueh) and si bule terangin ke gueh. Akhirnya gueh bisa ngakak bareng sama yang lain… ternyata the boss lagih boker!!!
Tentang bonyok gueh yang lagih balik ke indo, akhirnya terbukti kalo cinta gueh ke bonyok kaga nepok sebelah tangan. Nyokap sibuk nyuruh gueh telp semaleman. Ahhhh terbukti banget kalo gueh anak yang disayang… Apa gueh cuma berprasangka ajah?? Hhmm… gueh ngga mao tau…
About two days ago, I was posting stuff about power outage in Jakarta, and guess what… I got power outage last night!! I’ve been stranded here at Uncle Sam’s land for 9 years, this is my first power outage longer than 5 minutes. It’s actually scarier that I thought… walo disini ngga ada sundel bolong, suster ngesot serta kawan2nya, tetep ajah gueh jiper gelap2an. Untung ada si pacar yang baru ajah dateng (less than 5 minutes befor the power was out!!) and ada Choco n Chokie yang juga ketakutan nempel sama gueh molo. Dasar anjing2 pengecut!! Well it’s better than ketakutan sendirian…
So, this morning the whole office was debating about keberadaan boss gueh. Some really sure he is in the office, but ngga bisa ngebuktiin sama yang ngga percaya boss gueh udah hadir. From 25 employees, only one person actually smart enough to see to the parking lot to find the boss’ car, which is me. It proven, the boss is in the building. But still, no one able to locate him. We run and dig the holes, just incase kalo emang the boss ngumpet or kejepit disela-sela yang ngga jelas (mudah2an bukan sela2 rok co-worker gueh, apalagih kejepit?? Horor…) Back to the boss, he is still missing. Sekantor mulai panic gara2 banyak yang telp buat the boss, include the BIG boss, bokapnya the boss. And suddenly I heard the hallelujah theme pas salah satu co-worker gueh bilang “I found him! He’s sitting on the throne.” Cash n kontan, spontan, seisi kantor pada ngakak, but not me. OK gueh akuin, I’m lost!! Dengan polos gueh tanya, kenapa si bule pada ngakak. Mereka Cuma bilang “He’s sitting on the throne all this time!!” si bule ngakak semakin gede… n gueh… *krik krik krik* still lost... Truss salah satu bule pengertian sama satu2nya asia dikantor (gueh) and si bule terangin ke gueh. Akhirnya gueh bisa ngakak bareng sama yang lain… ternyata the boss lagih boker!!!
Tentang bonyok gueh yang lagih balik ke indo, akhirnya terbukti kalo cinta gueh ke bonyok kaga nepok sebelah tangan. Nyokap sibuk nyuruh gueh telp semaleman. Ahhhh terbukti banget kalo gueh anak yang disayang… Apa gueh cuma berprasangka ajah?? Hhmm… gueh ngga mao tau…
Premier "Choco & Chokie"
Dogs are the other words for a bundle of joy, but my dogs are bundles of fury of joy. Bedanya?? It’s the fury part…
Let me introduce you with my first dog, Choco Bo (baca: coko). He is an Aquarius Yorkshire terrier! As the first pup in the house, he was a spoiled brat. He was so small (even fit on my palm!), round and fury. He was very cute, even bonyok n pacar pada rela angkatin ee’nya coko yang super bau n belepotan di karpet. Yupe, he was that cute! (kebayang kalo gueh yang kaya gitu?? Jamin si pacar kabur n gueh di kick out ma bonyok!!*najis talk*)
Suatu hari kita, para manusia (gueh, bonyok and pacar), ngerasa cape buat bersihin ee’nya coko yang bertebaran kaga jelas. Tiba2 *ting* muncul ide buat beli fence kecil yang bisa buat si coko at least stay di satu tempat ajah kalo lagih ngga ada orang dirumah. Next thing happen, we got the fence!
Malem pertama with the fence: tangisan n ratapan coko menggema seluruh rumah. Senjata coko paling ampuh dikeluarin supaya para manusia ngga tega. Tapi perkiraan coko salah, para manusia tetep cuek bebek. Walo sebenernya gueh tetep ngintip dari jauh keberadaan coko (maklum, malam pertama) akhirnya mata gueh ngantuk n nyerah sama kasur. Tiba2 gueh kesadar dari tidur gueh tengah malem nyariin tangisan coko, ternyata udah ngga nangis. Dengan bangganya gueh ngerasa menang dari coko n tangisan anjingnya. Ternyata si Coko bisa molor dengan tenangnya di fence. So the fence solve the problem? I was wrong, less than twenty minutes later I heard coko mengais ngais in front of my bedroom door. I opened the door and let him cuddle next to me. Then I realize…First, how did he escape from fence? Second, how the heck he got here!!?? My bed is at the 2nd floor!!
Next afternoon, it was giliran pacar jaga coko. He caught coko on act, how he escape from the fence. He was literally climbing the fence like a human with 4 arms!! Keren lah kau, coko!!
So, the plan to stop coko from boker all over the house is failed… Gueh akuin kehebatanmu, coko!!
1 ½ years later, I got another pup, I called him Chokie (baca:coki), it rhyme well with Choco. Bukan nya gueh kurang daya kreatipitas or imajinasi, tp gueh emang sengaja nama kedua anjing gueh mirip. Kebiasaan ini gueh dapet dari bonyok gueh yang kasih nama kedua anaknya Martin dan Marta.
Coki is a light brown toy poodle. According to the breeder, he is one of the oops pups (dengan kata lain , anak yang ngga diharapkan/akibat kecelakaan lupa pake kondom). Coki has different character with coko. Unlike coko, coki ngga nyebar bala all over the house, alias ee’ n pee2nya selalu di pad. Tapi, secara coki pipisnya blom lurus (selayaknya anak kecil) walo dia udah berdiri di pad, tetep ajah pipisnya klewar kliwir dilantai… I guess coki blom ada commonsense tentang kestabilan bidikan, kekuatan arus air dan kecepatan angin sekitar bisa mempengaruhi sasaran. Kudu gueh masukin les menembak. Coki’s dogality (personality buat anjing) is perky and dorky. Kalo manusia, gueh gambarin dia kaya orang yang kalo jalan selalu loncat2, skipping steps, bright smile, in slow motion… Kuping panjangnya menggelepar-gelepar tiap dia jalan. Ngeliat kelakuan coki sama ajah kaya nonton stress relief video, yang spontan bikin loe senyum.
Each day I got home, both of them menyambut gueh dengan excitement, which makes me forgot all the problem outside the house. They are my stress reliever…
Let me introduce you with my first dog, Choco Bo (baca: coko). He is an Aquarius Yorkshire terrier! As the first pup in the house, he was a spoiled brat. He was so small (even fit on my palm!), round and fury. He was very cute, even bonyok n pacar pada rela angkatin ee’nya coko yang super bau n belepotan di karpet. Yupe, he was that cute! (kebayang kalo gueh yang kaya gitu?? Jamin si pacar kabur n gueh di kick out ma bonyok!!*najis talk*)
Suatu hari kita, para manusia (gueh, bonyok and pacar), ngerasa cape buat bersihin ee’nya coko yang bertebaran kaga jelas. Tiba2 *ting* muncul ide buat beli fence kecil yang bisa buat si coko at least stay di satu tempat ajah kalo lagih ngga ada orang dirumah. Next thing happen, we got the fence!
Malem pertama with the fence: tangisan n ratapan coko menggema seluruh rumah. Senjata coko paling ampuh dikeluarin supaya para manusia ngga tega. Tapi perkiraan coko salah, para manusia tetep cuek bebek. Walo sebenernya gueh tetep ngintip dari jauh keberadaan coko (maklum, malam pertama) akhirnya mata gueh ngantuk n nyerah sama kasur. Tiba2 gueh kesadar dari tidur gueh tengah malem nyariin tangisan coko, ternyata udah ngga nangis. Dengan bangganya gueh ngerasa menang dari coko n tangisan anjingnya. Ternyata si Coko bisa molor dengan tenangnya di fence. So the fence solve the problem? I was wrong, less than twenty minutes later I heard coko mengais ngais in front of my bedroom door. I opened the door and let him cuddle next to me. Then I realize…First, how did he escape from fence? Second, how the heck he got here!!?? My bed is at the 2nd floor!!
Next afternoon, it was giliran pacar jaga coko. He caught coko on act, how he escape from the fence. He was literally climbing the fence like a human with 4 arms!! Keren lah kau, coko!!
So, the plan to stop coko from boker all over the house is failed… Gueh akuin kehebatanmu, coko!!
1 ½ years later, I got another pup, I called him Chokie (baca:coki), it rhyme well with Choco. Bukan nya gueh kurang daya kreatipitas or imajinasi, tp gueh emang sengaja nama kedua anjing gueh mirip. Kebiasaan ini gueh dapet dari bonyok gueh yang kasih nama kedua anaknya Martin dan Marta.
Coki is a light brown toy poodle. According to the breeder, he is one of the oops pups (dengan kata lain , anak yang ngga diharapkan/akibat kecelakaan lupa pake kondom). Coki has different character with coko. Unlike coko, coki ngga nyebar bala all over the house, alias ee’ n pee2nya selalu di pad. Tapi, secara coki pipisnya blom lurus (selayaknya anak kecil) walo dia udah berdiri di pad, tetep ajah pipisnya klewar kliwir dilantai… I guess coki blom ada commonsense tentang kestabilan bidikan, kekuatan arus air dan kecepatan angin sekitar bisa mempengaruhi sasaran. Kudu gueh masukin les menembak. Coki’s dogality (personality buat anjing) is perky and dorky. Kalo manusia, gueh gambarin dia kaya orang yang kalo jalan selalu loncat2, skipping steps, bright smile, in slow motion… Kuping panjangnya menggelepar-gelepar tiap dia jalan. Ngeliat kelakuan coki sama ajah kaya nonton stress relief video, yang spontan bikin loe senyum.
Each day I got home, both of them menyambut gueh dengan excitement, which makes me forgot all the problem outside the house. They are my stress reliever…
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I will start a post with Martish from now on… so bare with me… if any of you can’t understand me, give me a howl…
Bonyok gueh baru balik ke Jakarta last Wednesday, of which tepat seminggu kemarin. After being poisoned and stranded in States for almost 10 years, they finally mudik for the first time. Last couple days before they left, my mom finally feels her adrenaline pumped with excitement and nervousness. Walhasil, gueh dibuat kocar-kacir buat menuhin kebutuhan nyokap on the last minutes. Pas hari rabu siang sebelom bonyok cabut, gueh took a day off special buat yokap yang udah yakin dirinya bakal sibuk on last minute. Mulai dari shopping shoes buat acara kawinannya abang gueh, mani/pedi, beliin oleh2 buat cousins gueh (did I ever mention I have almost 20 cousins? Or even more), n bekal bungkus perabot mudik, semuanya dilakuin at the last day!! No wonder gueh doyan bgt sama yang namanya procrastinate, I got it from my mom…
Their flight is at 01:50AM, but we tried to leave home before 9PM. I tried to act cool about having my parents leave to Indonesia, but deep down inside, I really feel to cry out loud, meraung-raung, ngais-ngais tanah… Gueh juga mau banget balik Jakarta…Gueh kan juga mau liat abang gueh merid… But guess what, I still play it cool… beside, gueh yakin banget bonyok tau dilemma gueh tanpa gueh bilang… Gini2 gueh kan dibuat sama mereka juga…
Pas jalan balik dari LAX, otak gueh melayang-layang ngga jelas bak layangan putus. Pikiran gueh menclak-menclok sana sini. “How the heck in the world, to run the house without my mom?” panic gueh mulai muncul, but I shook it off. Then, I got another thought, I really hope mom and dad will get there safely. I have these crazy thought about all of accident might happen. I really regret to see Final Destination now… but I said a quick pray and serahin semuanya ke Dia, then magically I feel better. Next, I get some flashes pictures of my brother. I still can’t believe that I will missed his wedding day… I took deep breaths many times to hold my tear falling to my cheek… God please grant me strength… Gueh paksa alihin pikiran sebelom gueh beneran mewek ditengah malem. Gueh ngayal, if I’m going back to Indonesia, what am I going to do? Pertanyaan yang ini buat gueh lega and sibuk ngayal yang asik2… Next thing I know, I was in front of my garage and hear my doggies barking…
So it’s been a week. I just realize mom took my maid with her… I need someone to cook for me…
Bonyok gueh baru balik ke Jakarta last Wednesday, of which tepat seminggu kemarin. After being poisoned and stranded in States for almost 10 years, they finally mudik for the first time. Last couple days before they left, my mom finally feels her adrenaline pumped with excitement and nervousness. Walhasil, gueh dibuat kocar-kacir buat menuhin kebutuhan nyokap on the last minutes. Pas hari rabu siang sebelom bonyok cabut, gueh took a day off special buat yokap yang udah yakin dirinya bakal sibuk on last minute. Mulai dari shopping shoes buat acara kawinannya abang gueh, mani/pedi, beliin oleh2 buat cousins gueh (did I ever mention I have almost 20 cousins? Or even more), n bekal bungkus perabot mudik, semuanya dilakuin at the last day!! No wonder gueh doyan bgt sama yang namanya procrastinate, I got it from my mom…
Their flight is at 01:50AM, but we tried to leave home before 9PM. I tried to act cool about having my parents leave to Indonesia, but deep down inside, I really feel to cry out loud, meraung-raung, ngais-ngais tanah… Gueh juga mau banget balik Jakarta…Gueh kan juga mau liat abang gueh merid… But guess what, I still play it cool… beside, gueh yakin banget bonyok tau dilemma gueh tanpa gueh bilang… Gini2 gueh kan dibuat sama mereka juga…
Pas jalan balik dari LAX, otak gueh melayang-layang ngga jelas bak layangan putus. Pikiran gueh menclak-menclok sana sini. “How the heck in the world, to run the house without my mom?” panic gueh mulai muncul, but I shook it off. Then, I got another thought, I really hope mom and dad will get there safely. I have these crazy thought about all of accident might happen. I really regret to see Final Destination now… but I said a quick pray and serahin semuanya ke Dia, then magically I feel better. Next, I get some flashes pictures of my brother. I still can’t believe that I will missed his wedding day… I took deep breaths many times to hold my tear falling to my cheek… God please grant me strength… Gueh paksa alihin pikiran sebelom gueh beneran mewek ditengah malem. Gueh ngayal, if I’m going back to Indonesia, what am I going to do? Pertanyaan yang ini buat gueh lega and sibuk ngayal yang asik2… Next thing I know, I was in front of my garage and hear my doggies barking…
So it’s been a week. I just realize mom took my maid with her… I need someone to cook for me…
When I first create this blog, was pure from request. Beside the name of the blog, one more thing that really makes me thinking so hard, it’s the language. But I was on denial to take a decision and mean while I stick with what they called International language, English.
Today, I’m making my decision, the language will be *drum roll….* Martish a.k.a Me!! My own explanation is simple “because I said so!” ☺
So, Martish is an language which come from myself to speed things up. From the root of Indonesian and English plus Betawi and Sundanese dialect and times ngocol, that’s where Martish came from. It’s not a new language, but maybe a new philosophy?
Let me tell you a little about me. I’m a pure breed Indonesian who migrating to States on November 2000 and I never see my motherland since then. So, that’s all about me. Hahahha… Simple short and quick, but you will know more about me as you read, hopefully… *crossing fingers*
I learned English since junior high, but back then, I was learning how to cheat English… That was continued all the way until I finished high school. Officially, I learned English on July 2000 on an extreme summer crunch class for 4 weeks, right after I know I need to go to US for college. It’s an everyday class for 6 hours a day. Just like school except the only thing I learn is English. From A-B-Cs to Past-Present- Future, I swallowed it just as is, I didn’t try to chew it and try to get the real taste. And the next thing I know is taking TOEFL test and I passed. Then, here I am, wondering around on the land of freedom and Uncle Sam not knowing what to do. I’m lost in translation…
But God is good, He really prepared me for these. He gave me the gift of communication. On another word, I’m a typical person who can’t sit still and quietly on the corner, I’m a girl who likes to talks and says things out loud. I was having huge combat with the culture shock and jet lag. Just like a chameleon, I learned to adapt and changes my color, not literally, I’m still yellow/brownish and yes, I’m dark. Even though, I do wish that I could really be white, blonde and have blue eyes… But God won’t let that happen, I will be way too pretty… hahahahaha…
Now, I could talk in English as fast as I talk in Indonesian. Grammar?? Ok, who actually bring a red pen and highlighter and give you grade at the end of every conversation?? Me understand, you understand, OK laaa… *Singlish accent*
Today, I’m making my decision, the language will be *drum roll….* Martish a.k.a Me!! My own explanation is simple “because I said so!” ☺
So, Martish is an language which come from myself to speed things up. From the root of Indonesian and English plus Betawi and Sundanese dialect and times ngocol, that’s where Martish came from. It’s not a new language, but maybe a new philosophy?
Let me tell you a little about me. I’m a pure breed Indonesian who migrating to States on November 2000 and I never see my motherland since then. So, that’s all about me. Hahahha… Simple short and quick, but you will know more about me as you read, hopefully… *crossing fingers*
I learned English since junior high, but back then, I was learning how to cheat English… That was continued all the way until I finished high school. Officially, I learned English on July 2000 on an extreme summer crunch class for 4 weeks, right after I know I need to go to US for college. It’s an everyday class for 6 hours a day. Just like school except the only thing I learn is English. From A-B-Cs to Past-Present- Future, I swallowed it just as is, I didn’t try to chew it and try to get the real taste. And the next thing I know is taking TOEFL test and I passed. Then, here I am, wondering around on the land of freedom and Uncle Sam not knowing what to do. I’m lost in translation…
But God is good, He really prepared me for these. He gave me the gift of communication. On another word, I’m a typical person who can’t sit still and quietly on the corner, I’m a girl who likes to talks and says things out loud. I was having huge combat with the culture shock and jet lag. Just like a chameleon, I learned to adapt and changes my color, not literally, I’m still yellow/brownish and yes, I’m dark. Even though, I do wish that I could really be white, blonde and have blue eyes… But God won’t let that happen, I will be way too pretty… hahahahaha…
Now, I could talk in English as fast as I talk in Indonesian. Grammar?? Ok, who actually bring a red pen and highlighter and give you grade at the end of every conversation?? Me understand, you understand, OK laaa… *Singlish accent*
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Tired Soul
Never thought a balloon actually will weight too much too handle…
So they asked, “Can someone died of happiness?”
Others nagged, “Can someone died of exhaustion?”
Too much is never better than enough.
Like what I asked is not too much, just enough.
I’m overly exhausted with life…
From all of problems, crisis, and dilemmas in life… one thing I could be gave up to, Money…
As I’m walking through my life, I’ve discovered to be able looking the brighter side of life…
Always stay positive towards the bads and be grateful to the goods…
I’m keeping myself in balance as opening up each new day, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best…
I am just a human…
I am limited, flawed, imperfect…
As I go along the way, I fell, failed, cried, dumped…
But time is magic that always happen… It healed me as it goes by…
Right at this moment, I feel tired…
I’m tired to walk, see, and breathe…
I’m listening voices from further away, it keeping awake…
But the voices getting farther and farther, I’m no longer could hear…
Here, I’m alone again…
Let me rest so I could move on…
Let me breathe so I could heave a sigh…
Let me cry so I could smile…
I’m a tired soul…
Call my name just keep me awake…
So they asked, “Can someone died of happiness?”
Others nagged, “Can someone died of exhaustion?”
Too much is never better than enough.
Like what I asked is not too much, just enough.
I’m overly exhausted with life…
From all of problems, crisis, and dilemmas in life… one thing I could be gave up to, Money…
As I’m walking through my life, I’ve discovered to be able looking the brighter side of life…
Always stay positive towards the bads and be grateful to the goods…
I’m keeping myself in balance as opening up each new day, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best…
I am just a human…
I am limited, flawed, imperfect…
As I go along the way, I fell, failed, cried, dumped…
But time is magic that always happen… It healed me as it goes by…
Right at this moment, I feel tired…
I’m tired to walk, see, and breathe…
I’m listening voices from further away, it keeping awake…
But the voices getting farther and farther, I’m no longer could hear…

Let me rest so I could move on…
Let me breathe so I could heave a sigh…
Let me cry so I could smile…
I’m a tired soul…
Call my name just keep me awake…
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